An extra measure of protection for you and your family.
Accidents and storms can shatter windows without warning, sending flying shards of glass everywhere. It can result in severe injuries to your family and significant damage to your home. This risk can be dramatically reduced with our safety and security window films.
Made with thick, heavy-duty polyester bonded by strong adhesives, these films provide a clear and invisible – yet powerful – barrier that helps hold glass in place in the event of an impact or earthquake. While this barrier helps protect you against the damaging effects of flying shattered glass, it also makes it more difficult for an intruder to smash through your windows quickly.
Our safety and security window films meet the toughest industry standards in the United States, Europe and around the world, so you can trust that you’re using a product that works. And because it is optically clear, you won’t even know it’s there – until something happens. Think of it as insurance!